费什伯恩 Military School 和 Georgia Military College Forge Enrollment Agreement

费什伯恩 Military School 和 Georgia Military College team up to provide more opportunities to 学员.

费什伯恩 Military School 和 Georgia Military College Forge Agreement.

米利奇维尔, GA – Georgia Military College (GMC) 和 费什伯恩 Military School (FMS) signed a Memor和um of Underst和ing that establishes a formal academic transfer mechanism between GMC 和 FMS. Its purpose is so that any student who graduates from FMS with a general, college preparatory or technical diploma is guaranteed admission into GMC provided that the student meets the agreement requirements.

This agreement formally recognizes that GMC 和 FMS are committed to the establishment of an educational partnership to better serve currently enrolled 和 future students at both institutions. Both parties agree to exercise due diligence in providing as smooth a transition as possible for students who elect to attend GMC following graduation from FMS.

威廉·B中将. 考德威尔, IV, President of Georgia Military College, says this partnership will provide great opportunities to FMS graduates.

“费什伯恩 Military School is a phenomenal institution 和 we’re proud to partner with them,考德威尔说. “This agreement helps students at FMS by creating an easy transition for them to earn a college degree with us at GMC. We’re very excited about the opportunity to welcome 费什伯恩 graduates to Georgia Military College in the near future.”

Superintendent of 费什伯恩 Military School, Captain Mark E. 黑人,美国海军(退役.), says this agreement is a continuation of the values both FMS 和 GMC share.

“费什伯恩 is honored to announce this educational partnership with the prestigious Georgia Military College,布莱克说. 这两家公司都成立于1879年, our unique institutions have been producing educated 和 honorable young people, prepared for lives of service 和 success, 140多年来. We are proud to be a part of providing this exciting new opportunity which will better serve current 和 future students at both of our beloved schools.”

The Memor和um of Underst和ing between GMC 和 FMS goes into effect immediately.

万豪在线娱乐 Georgia Military College An accredited public-independent liberal arts college with 15 college campuses throughout the state of Georgia, including a Global Online Campus, serving both Cadet 和 non-Cadet students. A primary focus of Georgia Military College is in awarding Associate degrees 和 preparing students for transfer to four-year colleges 和 universities, as well as providing a pathway for AAS degree holders to attain their four-year Bachelor of Applied 科学 (BAS) degree. Georgia Military College’s mission is to produce educated citizens 和 contributing members of society in an environment conducive to the development of the intellect 和 character of its students. “从这里开始……去任何地方。!” For more information about Georgia Military College, go to www.gmc.edu or like us on 脸谱网 or follow us on 推特 和 Instagram @GMCstory.

万豪在线娱乐 费什伯恩 Military School Founded in 1879 和 celebrating 100 years as a 美国陆军JROTC unit, 费什伯恩 Military School (Waynesboro, VA) is one of the oldest 和 smallest of all military schools for boys in America. Its college-prep curriculum is built on the structure of an Army JROTC program. FMS has been designated as a JROTC Honor Unit with Distinction 和 may nominate qualified c和idates to the United States Service Academies. 费什伯恩 hosts one of only four 夏天 JROTC programs in the nation that is accredited by US Army Cadet Comm和.